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The She Movement

The She Movement 

Is a vision, a movement birthed through Apostle Karen McNair 


Is not Just another gathering of women who are just meeting to be high on a service but its 


  • A-movement of women 

Who are ready to take their destiny by force 


Who are unapologetic 

Who are ready for transformation 

Who have decided that they aren’t just satisfied with average but they want the fullness of our potential 


Women who have decided that they want to be completely free from all set backs, cycles or delays


Who have decided to allow the purpose in them to shift their homes, their community, their region , and the nation 


Whether that’s in the schools, neighborhoods, jobs , businesses, the marketplace, ministry ! It’s coming into the fullness of who they are destined to be! Yessss


  • God has giving us a mid wife and trail blazer . A apostolic giant IN apostle Karen mcnair to help birth you into destiny !! 


The she movement is a force that will take the world by storm ! 

Upcoming Movement



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